Wednesday, December 23, 2009

South Africa next Monday!

It has been a while since I last contributed to this blog. I must admit that I did not anticipate the difficulty of making consistent contributions to a blog, especially when you put family, friends, and school in the picture. While there are still much to say about my study abroad experience in Hong Kong, my excitement for Cape Town, South Africa, has once again provided me with the inspiration and motivation to blog. Even though I knew very little about South Africa when I signed up for the trip, Nelson Mandela’s autobiography as well as a series of lectures on issues facing SA today have provided me with some background knowledge that will hopefully allow me to appreciate the culture on a deeper level.

The main purpose of my trip is to experience the culture, volunteer at a local AIDS orphanage, and visit two of my friends in Cape Town and Johannesburg. While Cape Town may seem like a random place to visit, it has been my dream since I was a child. Growing up watching stunning footages of the continent only on TV, I knew that I would one day visit the continent myself. South Africa seemed like a great start for me since it is a much more economically developed country compared to its neighbors that is used to clueless tourists from Europe and the U.S. However, I see this trip as more of a beginning for my future visits to other countries on the continent.

Through reading Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, “A Long Walk to Freedom”, I got to know the country on a much more intimate level through the eyes of one of its greatest leaders. I read about the ugly past of the Apartheid era and the damage it has done to the people and reputation of South Africa. My respect for this great leader has grown exponentially as I learned more about his endeavors and sacrifices. I enjoyed reading about his childhood as a member of royalty in his tribe, his journey to become a lawyer in Johannesburg, his time as a prisoner on Robben Island, and his eventual triumphant speech in Cape Town after his release. I know for sure that my trip will take me to Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Robben Island. While I may not exactly relive history at these locations, I’m hoping to find remnants of the dark past as well as signs of a bright future.

Aside from the touristy activities like safari and wine tasting, I am also looking forward to shark cage diving, hiking up Table Mountain, and sailing across the point where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet. This trip will be perfect for my new found hobby in film photography so expect TONS of pictures. For now, please visit my flickr page at
