Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hello guys, welcome to my blog. For those of you who are confused by the somewhat ambiguous title, it is basically a traveling blog for me to share stories and pictures of my travels with my friends and anyone else who is interested. Since I’m still in the learning stage of how to blog, I apologize in advance for my poor sentence structures and typos. My current plan with the blog is to post short stories/observations from my journeys accompanied by pictures and videos that I think are interesting/funny.

My main motivation to start this blog is my upcoming trip to East Asia (SeoulShanghai, central ChinaTibet (maybe), and Hong Kong) this summer and Cape Town next winter. From previous traveling experiences, I always ended up with thousands of pictures and countless stories from each trip that get lost in the hard drive of my computer. As a blog reader myself, I figured this would be the perfect way to share these stories/pictures with my friends and keep them updated on my life while I’m away.

While I intend to keep my upcoming posts related to my travels in the regions mentioned above, I also plan to occasionally insert journal entries from my previous travels (Paris, Tokyo, and my bike trip across the US) to keep the blog interesting during downtimes.

Thank you again for reading my blog! Now just sit tight as I conjure up my next post to stimulate your senses….